Believe it or not, in a week fall will be here. As the weather transitions and we approach the start of heating season, it’s a good time to review some  small tips that can help you save big on your upcoming energy bill. 

Check for leaks and drafts

Air leaks can lead to higher monthly energy rates because heat can escape and cold air can enter your home. Now is the time to address any leaky windows or drafty doors in your home. Oftentimes it is a quick, affordable project that can be done in an hour or so. 

Reverse your ceiling fan rotation 

Many people think of ceiling fans to keep their home cool, but they can be efficient tools to maximize heat in your home as well. Reversing the spin on your fan to clockwise will push warm air back down into your rooms (remember, warm air rises). This way you’ll avoid cool pockets in rooms and keep the warm air down where you need it. 

Replace your HVAC filter

The fall isn’t the only time you should be focusing on your HVAC filter, however it’s a good time of year to ensure you have a fresh filter installed. Your air filter is the barrier that collects allergens and dust and as you enter into a season where you could possibly be using your HVAC system more, you want a new filter. It will help keep your home cleaner and less dusty, but also help your HVAC system run more efficiently saving you energy and money. 

Close your fireplace 

If you have a fireplace, it can be a very efficient way to heat rooms in your home. However, when not in use, it can also drain your home of heat. Since warm air rises, your chimney is the perfect escape route for warm air in your home. When you’re not using your fireplace, ensure the damper is closed to keep warm air from rising through your chimney. 

Let the sun in

Using the sun’s energy to heat your home is a very efficient way to save some money on your energy bill. Open your blinds and curtains during the day to let the sun warm your home. At night, close them again and lock in all of that free heat.